Title: Love Letter to Fornost

Author: Marty

Characters: Erestor, Glorfindel

My Dearest Fin,

Before now, I never gave much thought to how much letters from home must mean to those who were on patrol at the borders…and how much it means to those of us who wait for someone’s return. Especially now, when you are so very far away. I know full well what you face at Fornost, and wait ever for hopeful news, but even more for the day of your homecoming.

I feel Elrond would approve, so I have taken the liberty of changing the ‘rule’ of keeping correspondence to a minimum due to the uncertain nature of said missives; and the possibility of letters possibly falling into the wrong hands…I trust Elbereth to prevent such an occurrence.

Elbereth herself is probably very surprised to hear so much from me lately…but I find myself calling upon Her often in request for your protection. Strange how such things become more personal when one realizes how much they have to lose. Please do not think I doubt your abilities, for I do not…It is highly unlikely you would be called upon again for such a sacrifice as you made in Gondolin, but I feel the need to ask that you be spared any injury, simply because I cannot bear to think of you in pain.

You asked a question of me immediately before you left, and the immensity of it left me standing in the courtyard staring after you long beyond your departure.

You held my hands in your own, and your endearing shyness struck straight to my heart; leaving me speechless. After all these long years of friendship, of shared joy and pain, I had not thought to have anything for myself, and the shock of it kept me still. I would have given you my answer then; but the call came, and you were gone.

You asked me to think upon whether I would consider you as more than a friend.

Dearest Fin, I have done nothing but think since you left. I never realized how important you are to me until I faced the very real possibility of losing you. I wish I were there with you, to tell you these things face to face. I understand the necessity of my being here if the worst should happen. Elrond needs me, but it does not change my wishing to be at your side.

I would make a small confession, hoping you would not think me foolish…

Last night, I slept in your bed. I could no longer bear to wander the halls ever looking for your presence, and so I went to your rooms, just to be among things that say Fin to me. I did not realize how much it would affect me, but the rooms hold your scent. Before I knew, I was curled up on your bed; hugging your pillow. I do not mind saying that I wish it had been you, instead. Does this seem forward of me in answer to such a simple question as you have asked? I find myself wondering if the years of merely daydreaming (for I can admit this now) of something more between us have somehow led me to presume too much. In light of such a new beginning, I can only hope not.

I know the tone of this letter does not reflect any portion of skill for someone noted for his eloquence; but I find myself incapable of speaking any way other than from my heart…a heart I willingly and joyfully place in your keeping. And so, my dearest friend and newfound love…the answer to your question is, and shall forever be…yes.

I do love you…and watch always for your returning.
