Title: Love Always

Author: Zhie

Contact e-mail: zhiester@gmail.com

Characters: Erestor, Glorfindel

Rating: PG-13

Summary: Letters back and forth, between Erestor and Glorfindel.

Left on the table early in the morning by Erestor, found a little later by Glorfindel…


Cow needs milking. Can you go to the market without me? Made a list of what we need.









Can you take Thay instead of Asfaloth? He is restless today.



Left on desk a little later by Glorfindel, found by Erestor…

Darling Ress,

We NEED honey, wine, strawberries, and chocolate?


Because I thought we just bought honey last time we were at the market.

I am going to wash up before I leave. I will check back to see if we “need” anything else before I go.

Much love,



Added by Erestor to the pile now sitting on the counter, found by Glorfindel...


I spilled the honey last night. Meant to tell you. Sorry.

Am going down to see Elrond about something. Will take Asfaloth. Will see you later.



Left stuck in the closed door by Glorfindel, retrieved by Erestor…


I was only joking with you. I know you would not send me on a wild goose chase for things.

Strawberries will be difficult to find this time of year, but I am up to the challenge. I shall miss you and look forward to seeing you again tonight.

Love always,


Glorfindel dismounted and left Erestor’s horse tied to one of the many posts available to those who came from further away to shop the market. The list was not long, and most of it would be easy to find. Often, they would go to the market together, but obviously Erestor was busy with something.

As he strolled through the street, both sides lined with carts and shops, he purchased the easiest to find items first and stowed them back in Thay’s saddlebags. When only the strawberries remained, he began what he hoped would not be a fruitless search. He had not initially seen any, and had to take to asking others if they had seen any while wandering.

Finally, there was a ray of hope. Someone directed him toward a vendor at the far southern end of the road. Glorfindel thanked them and hurried through the crowd in hopes of checking the last item from the list.

He frowned to himself as he approached – he saw no strawberries upon the countertop. As he was about to turn away in defeat, he heard his name called out and returned.

A heaping basket of strawberries was held out to him, and he smiled, wondering to himself how the merchant knew what he was looking for. As he dug into his pocket for a few coins, the merchant shook his head. That was when Glorfindel saw the folded note on top of the berries.


Take me back to Nevrast Lane, four north, and across


Glorfindel thanked the merchant and walked back down the street until he reached the sign post where Nevrast Lane crossed Sirion Street. He counted the stalls, and crossed the street, and ended up facing a lady selling bunches of flowers from a cart.

She grinned to see the bewildered elf before her, and scooped up from a box a bouquet bursting with golden roses and sprays of ferns. There were nearly three dozen from Glorfindel’s count, and again, another note. This one directed him to Wilwarin Road, and specified a stop at a tailor. A package was awaiting him inside, wrapped in brown paper with green ribbon tied around it. Again, there was a note, but this one had no outward instructions. Glorfindel thanked the shopkeeper and took his bounty outside to ponder his next move.

It was all starting to come together – Glorfindel was requested to take the slower horse to give Erestor the time to reach the market first and set up this little scavenger hunt. It was just like him to do something so sly, and so romantic. When he looked around, expecting to see his grinning partner standing nearby, he did not. Glorfindel hoped he had not hit a dead end, or done something out of order. He hoped there was another clue he was missing.

He found an empty bench, and set the berries, flowers, and package next to him. He picked up the box again, testing the weight. It was large, but light – probably silk or satin. Glorfindel glanced around nervously, hoping no one saw him blush. He set the box down and pulled the three notes from his pocket. Each of them was still folded, and he carefully broke their seals now.

When he unfolded the first, he read...

My dearest love,

Meet me at...

He hurried to unfold the next, which read...

...the Red Thrush Inn, room number...

With a chuckle at Erestor’s knack for suspense, Glorfindel fumbled with the last note, and read...

...twelve. Bring the wine, the chocolate, the strawberries, and the honey; the flowers and the package, and most importantly, YOU.

I do NEED all of the above.

Love always,
