Screw Yule


Year One - 2005

Year Two - 2006

Year Three - 2007

Year Four - 2008

Year Five - 2009

A silly little list for fics, pics, and things that go "Ai! Ai!" in the night, for those who love silliness and Tolkien's elves.

Ai! Ai! A balrog!

*Watches as a giant purple rabbit with wings and a flaming whip hops by*

Me gusta Southron? Come, join us in the First Homely House of Valinor.

Subscribe to LittleBalrog
Come and join us in a land where Haldir and Orophin set mortals straight about the fractured fairytales being penned about Middle Earth, Rumil is determined to convince anyone who suspects themself prettier than him that they are wrong, where Glorfindel threatens all those who dare even think about riding Asfaloth (Erestor being the obvious exception), and everyday is another day in which Legolas defends his sexuality. Ring? What ring? Mirror? We don't need no stinkin' mirror. A slice of cheesecake, a couple of goats, and a comfy talan is all we require. Let the silliness commence!
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