Rated: General Fiction
Categories: Stories of Arda > Bunniverse (PPB-AU) > Fourth Age Characters: Asfaloth, Beineilien, Celebdreth, Celeborn, Celebrian, Cirdan, Elladan, Elodien, Elrohir, Elrond, Erestor, Fool of a Took, Frodo Baggins, Galadriel, Gamling, Gandalf, Gil-Galad, Gimli, Glorcheniel, Glorfindel, Haldir, Ilmendin, Legolas, Lindir, Melpomaen, Mitzi, Namo, Nenniach, Nibbles, Orophin, Rumil, Samwise Gamgee, Squysh, Tallasinde, Thranduil, Valarda, Vilya
Awards: 2004 MPA Nomination
Challenge: None
Genre: Action or Adventure, Comedic, Dramatic, Historical, Lyrical or Songfic, Romantic
Special Collection: None
Series: None
Chapters: 50 Completed: Yes
Word count: 163864 Read: 926333
Published: October 07 2007 Updated: October 07 2007
1. The First Homely House in Valinor by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (3042 words)
2. Celebrian's Wish by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (1874 words)
3. Morning After by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (1713 words)
4. The Name of the Game by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (3181 words)
5. Structural Integrity by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (3309 words)
6. I'm Going to the West by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (3104 words)
7. Laughing at the Sand by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (3269 words)
8. In the Dance Hall of the Elven King by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (7197 words)
9. Climbing the Family Tree by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (3086 words)
10. 31 Coire by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (3645 words)
11. Strawberry Cake by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (2706 words)
12. The Music of Falling Leaves by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (2280 words)
13. Death by Vanilla Pudding by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (1912 words)
14. Official Bird of the First Homely House by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (4389 words)
15. Spilt Milk by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (2569 words)
16. Elven Hours in a Carriage by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (4793 words)
17. Plague of Valinor by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (4049 words)
18. The Return of the Prince by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (6267 words)
19. Forgive and Forget by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (8021 words)
20. Parental Guidance Suggested by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (4748 words)
21. Return to the Kastle of the King by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (5854 words)
22. Crit! by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (3243 words)
23. Goldilocks and the One Dwarf by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (1349 words)
24. I Love You by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (2069 words)
25. Oops by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (1275 words)
26. Elrond's Sweet Revenge by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (4035 words)
27. Bilbo's Gift by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (2280 words)
28. Snow Songs by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (1464 words)
29. Luck of the Draw by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (1768 words)
30. Unfinished Business by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (2930 words)
31. To Give and To Receive by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (3830 words)
32. Happy...? by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (1229 words)
33. Me Gusta Southron by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (2564 words)
34. Denial by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (2265 words)
35. Remember Me by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (2806 words)
36. Valle Escondido de los Delfines [Small Valley of the Dolphins] by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (2509 words)
37. A Father's Love by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (2242 words)
38. On the Horizon by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (3804 words)
39. Flute & Fiddle by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (7889 words)
40. Checkmate by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (2177 words)
41. Basic Math by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (3790 words)
42. Best Intentions by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (2320 words)
43. You Don't Have to Go Home, But You Can't Stay Here by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (3692 words)
44. Pounce! by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (2455 words)
45. Squysh by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (1331 words)
46. Hidden Heroes by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (2195 words)
47. This One's For the Girls by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (3404 words)
48. Stargazing & Ginger Snaps by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (3120 words)
49. Hope by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (1997 words)
50. Home by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (6824 words)