Summary: Glorfindel goes on vacation.
Rated: Adult Fiction
Categories: Stories of Arda > Extras Characters: Celebrian, Elrond, Erestor, Glorfindel, Melpomaen
Awards: None
Challenge: None
Genre: Comedic, Dramatic, Romantic
Special Collection: None
Series: None
Chapters: 10 Completed: No
Word count: 16314 Read: 84322
Published: December 28 2008 Updated: December 28 2008
Story Notes:
Dark told me about a dream she had… a dream that she and I wrote a story together while at Webbs. (I got to growl at the waitress, heh).
1. Chapter 1 (by DarkDreamer) by Zhie [Reviews - 2] (1103 words)
2. Chapter 2 (by Zhie) by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (761 words)
3. Chapter 3 (by Zhie) by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (1986 words)
4. Chapter 4 (by Zhie) by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (1619 words)
5. Chapter 5 (by Zhie) by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (1221 words)
6. Chapter 6 (by Zhie) by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (1726 words)
7. Chapter 7 (by Zhie) by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (1524 words)
8. Chapter 8 (by Zhie) by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (1036 words)
9. Chapter 9 (by Zhie) by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (1578 words)
10. Chapter 10 (by Zhie) by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (3760 words)