Beyond Canon

Penname: Faoiltierna [Contact] Real name: Debra
Member Since: July 28 2008
Membership status: Member
I'm a fan of Erestor and everyone, really, especially Glorfindel :-)
Beta-reader: Yes
Gender: female
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Reviews by Faoiltierna
Unforgettable by Zhie Rated: Adult Fiction starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 5]
Summary: A young warrior and an old scholar learn more from one another than they expected to. *Book Four Now Being Added*
Categories: Stories of Arda > Bunniverse (PPB-AU) > First Age
Characters: Erestor, Glorfindel
Awards: None
Challenge: None
Genre: Action or Adventure, Comedic, Dramatic
Special Collection: Illustrated
Series: None
Chapters: 116 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 282712 Read Count: 2445006
[Report This] Published: July 25 2007 Updated: November 10 2014
Reviewer: Faoiltierna Signed
Date: August 30 2008 Title: Chapter 81: Chapter 81 (Book Three : Chapter 19)

Even knowing, by reading the later stories, that they don't get together for a very long time, I want to hope for them so much!

Knowing of the later stories and that they don't get together for such a long time--it is especially heartbreaking!

What Else Would You Call Me? by Zhie Rated: General Fiction [Reviews - 1]
Summary: Gimlin's memory of his life in the past return to him.
Categories: Stories of Arda > Bunniverse (PPB-AU) > Fourth Age
Characters: Dinendal (Gimlin), Elodien, Elrond, Glorfindel, Haldir, Legolas
Awards: None
Challenge: None
Genre: Dramatic
Special Collection: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1283 Read Count: 3297
[Report This] Published: August 10 2008 Updated: August 10 2008
Reviewer: Faoiltierna Signed
Date: August 15 2008 Title: Chapter 1: Complete

:sniff: That was worth waiting for.

Pirates by Zhie Rated: General Fiction [Reviews - 1]
Summary: Elladan and Elrohir just want to play a game with their uncles. ** Art by Mark Medved **
Categories: Stories of Arda > Bunniverse (PPB-AU) > Third Age
Characters: Elladan, Elrohir, Erestor, Glorfindel, Lindir, Melpomaen, Rumil
Awards: None
Challenge: None
Genre: Comedic
Special Collection: Elfling Chronicles
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 973 Read Count: 3760
[Report This] Published: August 10 2008 Updated: August 10 2008
Reviewer: Faoiltierna Signed
Date: August 15 2008 Title: Chapter 1: Complete

Oh, that's priceless! I laughed and laughed :-)