Celebrian's Gift
By Lil' Deenie Foo-Foo

Contact Email: orviekitty@yahoo.com

Beta Name: Beta? I don’t have one, but I’ve always wanted a green one with red fins. I’ll call it “Gabby Rick” and I’ll love him and ... What? Not THAT kind of beta? Well… heck!

Rating: Uh… Somewhere around R eventually, I suppose – I’m lousy when it comes to rating things.

Main Characters: Haldir/Celebrían

Written For: Tena

Original Request: Haldir/Celebrían including Celebrían's first time, she has always longed for Haldir. Anything else is up to author. R-NC-17

Genre(s): Romance and a little humor, I hope…. Totally AU - hey, it’s my delusion, right?

Word Count: 5200

Summary: Celebrían idolizes the famed Marchwarden of Lothlorien…

Disclaimer: I’m driving a 1992 Oldsmobile Silhouette that protests if you drive it faster than 55. I will make no money from writing this story so please don’t sue me -- you DON’T want my van!


Early dawn light illuminated the archery range.  Today was Haldir’s first full day as Marchwarden of Lothlorien.  Though the celebration had lasted most of the night and the majority of the realm still drifted in reverie, Haldir’s body refused to rest.  Celeborn's voice echoed through his mind.  You are young, Haldir - the youngest to ever take the mantle of Marchwarden.  Always remember that a Marchwarden at one with the Mallorns.  He is focused, yet aware of all things in the wood…

Striding to the center of the archery range, Haldir took a deep breath, closed his eyes and nocked his first arrow.  Moving fluidly across the field, eleven arrows left his bow in perfect, deadly arcs - each finding it's home in the target and forming a perfect circle around the target's center.  Without taking his eyes from the target, he leapt gracefully to the feet of an ancient mallorn at the edge of the meadow.  In a single motion, he nocked, drew, released his twelfth arrow...  and spun to catch the young elleth that leapt from a high branch. 

"AAAAWWWW, HALLLIIII!" the elleth cried, drowning out the soft 'thunk' of the arrow finding it's mark.  "YOU RUINED THE GAME!” Her protests shook the leaves of the mallorn she'd so recently vacated and sent several birds into the air in alarm. 

Haldir raised an eyebrow and remained silent, sending a seemingly critical gaze over the young elleth's form.  It had the effect of making the elleth's eyes fill with tears and her bottom lip protrude in a pout.  In actuality, he was silent simply because he needed to regain his breath.  Celebrían’s knee had encountered a sensitive and very personal part of his anatomy. 

"You're no fun!" The elleth pouted as she wiggled to be let down. 

Haldir stood her on her feet and stepped back. He had to admit that her appearance was rather… striking.  Her pert nose was smudged with dirt and grass stains.  A ring of lembas crumbs and mud surrounded her lips.  Her feet were bare and caked with grass so that her feet resembled those of a Hobbit.  Her leggings were torn at the knees and stained.  Her tunic was creased and splotched with more mud.  Her silver/gold hair was matted with last season's leaves and grasses. 

She was, in Haldir's opinion, a perfect mess.  Haldir sent silent thanks to the Valar that his younger brothers were fastidious in their grooming habits and that his pristine bath would not be involved in sorting out the mess in front of him!

Haldir fought back a smile.  The tears in her eyes had disappeared when they did not melt his resolve and were replaced with a flare of stubborn irritation.  “My Lady Celebrían, you should not be diving from the mallyrn.”


"Indeed." murmured Haldir.  At that moment, an ellon staggered into the clearing.  He started towards his brother but, when he saw the elleth, he turned and ran to hide behind Haldir’s target.  If the elleth in front of him was filthy, there was no word to describe the ellon’s appearance.  He was so covered in mud and grasses that he resembled an Orc.  In fact, the only parts of him that resembled Haldir's youngest brother were grass green eyes and a small shock of white-blonde hair that stood straight up from the crown of his head as he ran. 

Swallowing a most un-Marchwarden like giggle at his brother's appearance, Haldir cleared his throat and returned his gaze to the elleth standing before him with her arms crossed.  "Well, Celebrían ...  Perhaps you didn’t defeat me, but you certainly bested Orophin!"

A wide grin split the elleth's face.  "THANKS, HALI!" She leapt, kissed his cheek and dashed past the target and his now-shaking brother.  "SEE! TOLD YOU I WON!" she crowed as she flew by. 

Wiping dirt and crumbs from his cheek, Haldir shook his head and started for the target to retrieve both his arrows and his sibling.  Halfway across the field, he stopped, eyes flying wide in horror.  He shuddered as he realized what cleaning Orophin would do to his bathroom.

*    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *

Chapter 1

Striding to the edge of the archery range, the Marchwarden of Lothlorien took a deep breath and, secure in the knowledge that he was alone, allowed himself the semblance of a smile.  Hard work, determination and dedication had allowed Haldir to become a living legend.  Lothlorien was wearing her splendid spring colors and the wind sang of joy as it glided through the silver leaves to his ears.  To top things off, Rumil and Orophin had just the previous night been elevated to Haldir’s ranking Captains – second and third in command of the Galadrhim.

Yes.  Seasons pass and all things change, thought Haldir.  Well, at least, they’re supposed to.  He whirled around and caught the elleth as she dropped from the draping branches of the mallorn. 

“AAAAWWWW, HALLLIIII!” the elleth complained loudly.  “Why can’t I ever surprise you?”

Haldir smiled softly and lowered Celebrían to her feet.  “I do not know, my lady.  Why do you continue - after nearly five centuries - to attempt surprise if you believe you cannot succeed?”

“First of all, Haldir, I have NO INTENTION of EVER becoming a LADY!” Her voice dripped with disdain.  “And second, stop acting like my guardian.  You Are NOT so favored!”

“I thank Eru every day for such blessing.” Haldir replied.

“What was that?”

“Nothing, My Lady.”

“I said…! Oh… Oooh… NeverMIND! One of these days, I WILL surprise you, Haldir!”

“I look forward to it, My Lady.” Haldir gave her a slight bow, tongue firmly in cheek. 

“Hmph!” Celebrían crossed her arms and stuck out her bottom lip. 

Finally allowing himself a full smile, Haldir took a deep breath, then spoke softly.  “Celebrían, I understand this is a … difficult… age for you.  You feel lost, between worlds and roles.  Whether you care for these facts or nay you must realize that you ARE a lady.  I know it is not my place to say this, but…” Haldir broke off and searched her face.  His gaze and tone were kind and almost sympathetic as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.  “Perhaps it is time you embraced these realities and began to strive to act the part.  Following the wardens on patrol, practicing swordplay and leaping from trees are not… My Lady, it’s simply not proper.”

Throughout his speech, Celebrían had stiffened and glared at him.  His words ripped her heart apart.  Through the years he had encouraged her in archery, swordplay and all sorts of sport.  He had even gone to the Lady of Light to request that she be allowed to train with the Galadrim instead of joining in the sewing circles she hated so passionately.  Haldir had always understood! Now, to have him say these words to her…! She shrugged angrily out of his hold. 

“Celebrían, I’m not –“ He got no farther.  Celebrían slapped him hard across the cheek.  They stood unmoving for several seconds, her eyes flashing hurt and anger at his betrayal and his eyes reflecting pity and understanding.  Haldir reached out to embrace and comfort her but she broke away and ran sobbing towards the city. 

Haldir stood rooted to the spot; rubbing his tingling cheek and watching Celebrían run from him.  That went well, he thought sarcastically.  And now, My Lady, what path do you recommend?

The answer was a soft chuckle. No path is necessary, Marchwarden.  Simply give her time…

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Chapter 2

Celebrían burst into her bedroom and slammed the door hard enough to knock her quiver from its silver hook on the back of the door onto the floor.  Throwing herself face up upon the bed, she clutched her pillow and stared at the ceiling.  Silver tears welled in her eyes and trailed down her cheeks to be lost in her hair.  How DARE he! He may be the Marchwarden of Lothlorien and Naneth’s most decorated champion, but he was… UGH! Celebrían sent the pillow flying across the room where it knocked a drawing Haldir had made of her at her first archery contest to the ground. 

Throwing the pillow at the wall had vented some frustration but the fall of her favorite drawing stopped her tantrum.  Rising from the bed, she picked it up, dusted it and carefully repositioned it.  It wasn’t just Haldir, really.  Lately everyone seemed to remind her she was a lady.  A lady! Her lip curled in disgust at the word.  If being a lady meant trading leggings for flowing gowns and relinquishing the bow to take up a loom, then she was determined NEVER to become one!

The door opened quietly.  “Celebrían? May I have a moment?”

Celebrían dashed the tear-streaks from her cheeks with the backs of her hands.  “Of course, Nana.”

Galadriel slipped silently into the room.  Smiling kindly at her daughter, she held out a silver gown.  “I’ve brought your gown for the celebration this weekend.  I know it’s the last thing you want to think about right now, but...” She opened her arms as Celebrían broke into tears. 

Running into her Naneth’s embrace, she cried, “Oh, Nana! I hit him! He was simply trying to be kind and… and I HIT him for it!”

“Shhhh….  Calm yourself.” Galadriel kissed her daughter’s forehead and smoothed the tangled hair away from Celebrían face.  “It’s alright, daughter.  Haldir knows your actions were simply frustration.  You will apologize, he will accept and all will be forgotten.”

Celebrían sniffed and wiped her nose with the back of her hand. 

Repressing an eye roll, Galadriel silently handed her daughter a handkerchief and crossed the room to sit on the edge of the bed.  She smiled softly and patted the mattress beside her in invitation. 

Celebrían looked at her mother blankly for a moment, and then crossed to sit next to her.  Blowing her nose loudly, Celebrían blinked away fresh tears and waited for her mother to speak. 

Galadriel cupped her daughter’s cheek.  “Celebrían… I understand how lost you feel right now, but you need to be strong. You have come of age and…well… the time has come for you to take a husband.  Discussions for your betrothal will begin in two months. Your Adar and I expect to announce your union during the Yule celebration this year.”

Celebrían's mouth dropped open and she stared at her mother in disbelief.  The knowledge that her mother continued to speak filtered into her mind, but none of the words made an impression.  Celebrían turned away from her mother even as Galadriel spoke.  She sought the painting she’d knocked to the floor earlier and tears filled her eyes.  I have no choice. She rose and crossed to stare blindly out the window.

“Daughter…” Galadriel rose to embrace her daughter again.

Celebrían stepped aside and closed her eyes.  “I’m sorry, Naneth.  Could I… I would like to be alone, please… just for a while.”

Sighing softly, Galadriel smiled, “Let me know when you are ready to continue this discussion.”

Celebrían kept her eyes closed until she heard the soft closing of her door.  Looking around the room, her eyes found the beautiful gown her mother had left for her.  Tears welled up again and she struggled to hold them at bay.  Raising her chin, she whispered, “It seems to me as though there is nothing left to discuss.” Sinking onto her bed, she buried her face in a pillow and sobbed herself to sleep. 

At some point in the night, she awoke to a soft, almost hesitant caress. Gentle, callused fingertips traced her jawline. The pad of his thumb moved to tease the outline of her full lower lip.

Opening her eyes, she turned to look at him without fear or surprise. His eyes had always held magic for her.  They were eyes that glittered with anger or impatience more often than passion, eyes that had been described as hard and as unforgiving as mithril. But now his eyes were darkened to soft pewter. He smiled softly, tenderness transforming his face from merely stunning to heart-stoppingly beautiful.

Celebrían knew without a shadow of a doubt that she loved him – had always loved him. She also knew that all the ellith who had bragged in the bathhouse about the Marchwarden’s sexual prowess had never seen him like this. They all spoke of power and impatience. None of them knew of his gentleness.  He CARED for her!  The realization made her dizzy with triumph even as awareness flooded her body. Her hands reached out for something solid to be an anchor and found his chest.  Eyes locked with his, she felt his heart racing under her fingers. Whimpering softly, she leaned into his touch and parted her lips. Slowly his other hand rose to cup her cheek as he leaned closer. She drew in a ragged breath and exhaled, “Haldir…”

At the sound of his name on her lips, a tremor shook his frame. His wonderfully expressive eyes closed, almost as if he was in pain. When he opened them again, it was her turn to shudder. Heat, tenderness, impatience and adoration warred in his eyes.  He parted his lips, lowering his head slowly toward hers. Time stood still and she held her breath. Would his kiss be as gentle as his touch had been or would he take her mouth in a rush of heat?  Her chest hurt and her heart raced.

Suddenly impatient, she drove her fingers into his hair and pulled herself up to meet his mouth – and met only air as she sat bolt upright in bed. A strangled sound left her throat and she swung her feet from the bed and buried her face in her hands.

Celebrían stumbled from the bed to get a drink and attempt to calm her racing heart. In the process, she knocked her journal off of the bedside table. The clatter was answered by a loud thump outside her door. The next second brought her nurse, Arthiel, flying into the room. “Oh! My lady! We are set upon by Orcs for certain!”

“Shhhh! You’ll wake Ada and all of Arda with that noise!” Celebrían hissed. “Besides, no Orc would dare attack the Golden Wood with Haldir leading the Galadrhim.”

Arthiel sniffed, “Some Marchwarden THAT one is! I’m surprised we’re not overrun! If he spent even half the time on patrol that he spends dallying with ellith I wouldn’t have such worries! I’m certain Lord Celeborn is all but ready to replace him. Mark my words!”


“They are marked, Arthiel. And I’m quite certain I have no such plan.” Celebrían and Arthiel spun to see Celeborn standing in the doorway, flanked by Rumil and Haldir. It was obvious from Celeborn’s studiously blank expression, Haldir’s coldly furious stare and Rumil’s shaking shoulders that Artheil’s diatribe had been fully overheard.


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Chapter 3

Celebrían could find no further rest that night. The dream had helped her recognize her feelings and now it was as if she was drowning in love for Haldir.  And to have also learned that she was to be married! Considering her station, it was very likely that she would be promised to Rivendell or Mirkwood. This meant she would leave the Golden Wood, her family and Haldir. The hopelessness of her situation chased any thought of further rest away. 

Watching dawn creep into the wood, Celebrían decided to make the best of her situation.  She would bathe and dress carefully, prepare a tray of Haldir’s favorite foods and take her apologies to Haldir.  Then they would discuss her situation, he would admit that he loved her, too, then they would figure out a way to talk her parents into letting her stay in Lothlorien as Haldir’s mate.  The plan was simple, really.

At that moment, Haldir emerged from his talan, dressed in his greys with his bow and travel sack on his back.  Celebrían’s eyes widened in horror as she remembered their mention of Haldir’s tour of the fences. He’d be gone for at least two months!  The thought of his leaving without saying good-bye sent her flying from the room and to the gate at a dead sprint.

Dawn was entering its full glory as Celebrían skidded to a stop in front of Haldir at the gates of the city.  Never before had she felt so… exposed. Her eyes were swollen and red-rimmed from tears and lack of sleep, now she was breathless from the run.  Her hair was unkempt and she wore her tunic and leggings from the day before. Of course, Haldir wouldn’t think anything unusual about that.  Celebrían rarely paid attention to her appearance - had rarely paid attention to her appearance.  Knowing that she loved him seemed to change everything.  Indeed, she no longer knew what it was that she needed to say.

Celebrían cautiously met his eyes.  She felt her lower lip began to tremble.  “Haldir…” her throat closed and she couldn’t speak another word.  She closed her eyes.  Tears welled and overflowed.

Haldir smiled.  Celebrían is such a sweet young elleth.  Thinking back over the centuries of her lifetime, he could remember that the few apologies she’d needed to make had been sincere and almost immediate.  Certain it had probably almost killed her to wait the night, he decided to make the apology easy for her.  Gathering her close, he hugged her tightly and kissed her temple.  “It’s alright.  You don’t have to say anything.  I understand.”

Her arms slipped around his waist and she clung to him.  Celebrían buried her face in his neck, weeping silently and breathing in his familiar scent. 

Tears misting his own eyes, he rubbed her back gently.  Certainly their argument couldn’t have upset her this much.  “Sweet… what is wrong? I know you’re sorry… Is there something more?”

Celebrían raised her head and met the concern in his eyes.  All the love she felt for him spilled over.  “I will miss you!” She whispered. 

Haldir’s eyes widened in surprise and he leaned slightly away.  No, he thought.  I’m misunderstanding… Then her hands tangled themselves in his hair and brought his head down to meet hers, their lips meeting in a desperate, untutored and, to Haldir, surprisingly pleasant kiss.  The blood started to heat in his veins and, for a split second, Haldir gave himself to the kiss.  A shuddering sigh from Celebrían and the parting of her lips under his brought him up short. 

Mentally shaking himself, Haldir placed his hands on either side of her face, Haldir gently ended the kiss and turned their embrace to more familiar ground. He smoothed the tangles away from her forehead and kissed her again there.  Certain that his mind was playing tricks on him, that he couldn’t possibly have tasted actual passion in her kiss, he smiled at her.  “I will return before you can blink, Celebrían, and – lady or nay - we will resume those archery lessons.”

He shouldered his pack, backed through the gate, waved and smiled again, then headed into the forest. 

Celebrían clutched the gatepost and watched until she could no longer see him, then slowly returned to her room with tears streaming down her face.  She was absolutely positive.  Haldir held her heart.  She had given him her first kiss.   

Everything had changed inside.  Now everything had to change outside, too. 

*    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *

Chapter 4

HOME! I’m almost home! The thought echoed through Haldir’s mind with each step he took.  Touring the fences had taken a full year instead of the short two months he’d expected, thanks to several Orc sightings and a few small skirmishes.  But this nightfall he would once again be within his talan, enjoying a hot bath, a cup of wine and his soft bed.  Tomorrow, he and Celebrían would resume her archery lessons. He refused to remember their last parting as anything other than brotherly. He’d learned from experience these past months that any thoughts that weren’t brotherly left his blood heated and his heart aching. Yes, Celebrian was too young and too inexperienced to know what she had unleashed in his soul. And thinking about it was simple torture.

He sped his pace as he crossed through the gates.  Several elves smiled and greeted him cheerfully as he passed.  Haldir nodded in reply, but was taken aback by the abundance of decoration in the city.  Garlands of ivy and delicate golden flowers decorated railings and windows everywhere he turned.  Candles and lanterns were hung and ready to be lit.  It’s nowhere near Yule or Solstice... Perhaps Glorfindel has come to visit?

Making his way to the stairs leading directly to his talan, he stopped in his tracks.  The steps were carpeted with flower petals and lined with small wrapped gifts and bottles of wine.  Haldir looked around with a puzzled frown.  Have I been gone so long that I have forgotten my way home?

The Lady’s soft laughter rang through his mind.  No, Marchwarden.  You are home.  It is the date you have forgotten. 

More puzzled than before, Haldir answered, It’s nowhere near my birthday, My Lady. 

She laughed again, except this time the sound came from behind.  Haldir turned and bowed to his Lord and Lady.  “The gifts are to mark your anniversary, Haldir.” Prompted Celeborn. 

After assessing yet another blank stare from his Marchwarden, Celeborn stepped forward and placed his hand on Haldir’s shoulder.  “500 years ago tomorrow you accepted your crimson cloak and became Marchwarden of Lothlorien. And, other than Arthiel, all of Lorien is proud of you.”

Haldir rolled his eyes at the mention of Celebrían’s nurse. “Thank you, Lord Celeborn.  I am glad most of the Golden Wood approves.”

“Indeed we do. And if you have a moment, I have some rather urgent business I’d like to discuss with you. I realize you’ve not even entered your talan yet, but if you can indulge me…?

“Of course, My Lord, My Lady. Please, do come in.”

“Thank you, Haldir.” The trio entered the Marchwarden’s talan. None of them had seen Celebrían watching from her window.

Celebrían had, in fact, watched for his arrival every evening for months.  Regular missives from the fences had kept her worry for him at a manageable level. Still, it had been difficult to silence all worry until he had once again entered the city.

She turned from the window and moved to the looking glass, taking up her brush and applying smooth, even strokes to the fall of her hair. Much had changed about her in the last year and she was, at last, ready to set her fine plans into motion.

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Chapter 5

He’d put this moment off for as long as he could. Standing just out of sight, Haldir peered into the Great Hall at the throng of elves milling about in dress robes. Looking down at his own apparel, Haldir took a deep, shuddering breath.  What I wouldn’t give to be in my greys right now! The white and silver silk suit felt foreign and uncomfortable. Haldir tugged ineffectively at the collar of his tunic as the suddenly tight garment started to cut off his air. Glancing back into the hall, panic surged through his body.  This was the stupidest thing he’d ever agreed to do. And apparently every elf in Lorien had come to see him make a spectacle of himself!

No, Marchwarden. They are here to honor you.

Panic surged through his body. I cannot do this, My Lady!

That his panic amused Galadriel was evident in her tone. All will be well, Haldir. The oaths you make to Lothlorien enrich your life beyond imagining. Please, take a deep breath and join your party.

The Lady of Light had never lied to him. If she said his course was correct, then it was. Eru, please let this be the right path! He prayed. He pulled another deep breath into his lungs, lifted his chin, straightened his shoulders and steeled his resolve. Closing his eyes, he stepped into the archway. Immediately, every head turned his way. As he moved into the hall, every eye marked his passage. The crowd parted as he turned toward the stage at the end of the hall.

He advanced slowly, looking toward Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel. He met Celeborn’s gaze and was given a smile and a nod of welcome. Then he met Galadriel’s eyes and she smiled and turned to her left. Haldir’s eyes followed and his steps faltered slightly. 

Celebrían stood at her mother’s side, yet she was not the young elleth he had left.  Gone were the stained leggings and tunics. Gone were the untidy braids and leather laces. This Celebrían was a lady. And she was also very much a fully-grown elleth. She was dressed in a simple white silk gown with a mithril chain encircling her slender waist. A simple crown of mithril graced her brow and her wavy, hip-length hair had been brushed until it shone like starlight on the sea. Never had he seen her looking so beautiful, so … feminine. Then, she smiled and Haldir’s heart flew into his throat. Her happiness and the love she felt for him shone from her eyes, visible for everyone to see. It was as though the entire room glowed. The rest of the hall dimmed and disappeared.

Haldir would never have dared to dream that Celebrían loved him in this fashion. Indeed, since the moment Celeborn had suggested the match, he’d done nothing but worry that she would resent being forced to accept him. And now, to receive this blessing… What had he done that the Valar had chosen to favor him in such a grand way? Tears gathered in his eyes as he looked away from Celebrían to kneel in front of the Lord and Lady. 

Celeborn rose and began to speak. “Tonight, all of Lothlorien honors you, Marchwarden. We thank you for your wisdom, for your service and for your protection.  More than this, tonight, I thank you for your love and welcome you as my son and heir.”

Soft applause and hushed conversation started at Celeborn’s announcement.  Celeborn raised a hand and the hall fell silent again.  “For centuries to come, the mallyrn of the Golden Wood will sing of the night Haldir, Marchwarden of Lothlorien, celebrated his coming marriage to Lady Celebrían.  Rise, my son, and embrace your bride!”

Haldir stood and slowly crossed to stand before Celebrían. He swallowed hard and reached out, hand shaking, to touch her cheek.  His confusion was so blatant that Celebrían laughed.  A single tear of happiness traced her cheek. “I think, Darling Marchwarden, that I have at long last surprised you!”

Haldir’s answer was to wrap his arm around her waist and pull her to him in a reverent, passionate kiss. 

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Chapter 6

Celebrian giggled as Haldir struggled to open the door of their talan without setting her on her feet.  “Honestly, husband! I am capable of walking!”

Haldir raised an eyebrow at her comment. “I’m aware of that, wife! However we will only have one bonding night. I want EVERYTHING to be perfect.” He punctuated his statement with a brief, hard kiss.

With that, the door swung open and Haldir carried his bride into the living area of the talan.  On a low table before the fireplace was an elaborate tray of breads, cheeses, fruits and wine. A fire warmed the hearth and groups of candles glowed from several tables.

“Haldir! It’s beautiful! Thank you!”

“You’re welcome, darling wife. Though I doubt we will spend any time in here tonight. Now come, let’s remove these uncomfortable garments and refresh ourselves.”

Celebrian giggled again as Haldir wiggled his eyebrows and pulled her toward the bath. Again, candles lit the space. A deep tub was filled with steaming water. Scented oils and soaps as well as bathing cloths, a bottle of wine and two glasses were placed close to the tub for easy access.

“Oh, my…” Celebrian breathed. “Thank you, Haldir!”

Haldir slipped behind his wife to pin up her hair and release the clasp of her gown. “You are most welcome, Melethril. But I must caution you. If you continue to thank me for every gesture I make this evening, we will miss out on many wonderful moments! “

Celebrian giggled again. “I’ll try to keep that in mind, Melamin.”

“Excellent.” He replied, then he lifted Celebrian into his arms and settled her into the bath. 

Haldir quickly shed his own apparel and slipped into the water behind his wife.  He selected a lavender scented soap and worked up a creamy lather on a soft sponge.  Slowly applying the foam to her back, he leaned forward and nuzzled her neck, then lifted his head to kiss the tip of her ear. 

Celebrian sighed and leaned back into Haldir’s embrace. 

Taking this as an invitation, Haldir moved to kiss and nibble at the tendons on her neck as he bathed her breasts.  He moved slowly, circling the sponge over one firm breast, then the other, making sure his fingertips trailed over her budded nipples as he bathed her.  His hands moved the sponge over every inch of skin not covered by water, then gradually moved below the waterline.  The sponge skated over the flat plane of her stomach and swirled across her hips and down her thighs.  Celebrian moaned softly and lifted her knees so that Haldir could reach the entire length of her legs. 

When he finished, Celebrian twisted around to press herself full length against her husband and kiss him greedily.  Though they had kissed and caressed each other during their betrothal, this night would be their first intimacy. 

The heat of the lavender scented water made their movements languorous.  “Shall I bathe you now, husband?”

Haldir’s eyes closed as he relaxed and rested his head on the rim of the tub. He handed Celebrian the sponge and smiled.  “I’m yours to toy with, wife.”

Celebrian giggled “I think I shall do just that!”  Slowly, she slid her knees up to kneel between Haldir’s legs.  She reloaded the sponge and started with Haldir’s feet, lifting each leg from the water in turn. She followed the sponge with her free hand so that she touched every inch of his body. Every new texture was a joy.

Though she’d seen a naked ellon before, she was still shy with her husband’s anatomy.  Skipping his hip area, she moved from his legs to his torso, swirling the sponge over his chest and nipples in much the same way he’d bathed her.

The rapid rise and fall of his chest and the strong thrust of his elfhood assured her that she was, in fact, pleasing him.  It gave her the daring to shift her legs to the outside of his.  Haldir’s eyes flew open at her movement.  Celebrian giggled a little and pulled on his shoulders so that he would sit up. Haldir obliged and wrapped his arms around his wife.  Celebrian scooted forward on his thighs so that she could wash his back and kiss his throat.  Haldir’s arousal pressed full length between her thighs and he groaned. Somehow, his wife was both warmer and wetter than their steaming bath! 

When her teeth started teasing the cords in his throat, the groan became a growl.  He pulled her arms from around his waist and pushed her off of his lap. Confusion creased Celebrian’s forehead until Haldir launched himself from the tub and then plucked her from the bath as well. 

Grabbing a length of toweling, Haldir quickly dried his wife, then hauled her into his arms and strode from the bath. 

“Haldir!” Celebrian protested. “Don’t I get to dry you as well?” 


Both Haldir and Celebrian were breathing hard as Haldir strode into their bedroom, but Haldir realized Celebrian was also more than a little frightened. Taking a deep breath, he gently placed Celebrian on her feet and turned down the sheets.  Then he held his hand out to his wife.  With a smile, she laced her fingers with his and they sank onto the bed.

Though his hands were shaking and his body craved nothing more than to take his wife completely, he moved slowly. First of all, he didn’t want to frighten Celebrian more than he already had. Second, he didn’t want to rush their bonding.  Caressing her face, kissing her throat, her breasts and stroking her hip, Haldir kept himself in check as much as he could. 

Celebrian responded to his touch with a passion that made him dizzy but when the touch was new or when the sensation was unfamiliar she would tense and gasp, especially when his hand moved to caress her most private areas. 

Wanting to savor each moment while still progressing their lovemaking, Haldir moved Celebrian into position beneath him. “Watch me love you, wife.”  Keeping his eyes locked with hers, Haldir kissed Celebrian’s throat and the valley between her breasts. He drew one nipple into his mouth, then released it to sample its twin.  Continuing down her body, Haldir circled her navel with his tongue and slid down until his lips found her slick wetness.

With infinite patience, Haldir kissed and licked her thighs while he teased her entrance with a single finger.  Only when her body had ceased to tense at his touch did he start to enter her with one, then two fingers. His lips and tongue and fingers teased her until she begged him to release her from the pain of needing him. 

Rising above her, Haldir kissed his wife and looked into her eyes.  “I’ll love you for eternity, My Lady!” he swore as he sheathed himself in her slowly. 

Celebrian’s eyes flew wide in surprise and uncertainty. The sight of it nearly broke his heart.   “Haldir…?” she asked.

 “Did I hurt you, my love?” Haldir asked.

“No… no… I’m fine.” Celebrian assured him. “It just feels so… strange!” 

“Well, when it stops feeling ‘strange’ and starts feeling ‘incredible’ again, let me know. I’m rather anxious to show you what else you can feel!”

Celebrian giggled and started to relax almost immediately. “I’ll do that, husband!”

Though it nearly undid him simply to breach her, Haldir forced himself to relax, to wait until passion had come into Celebrian’s eyes again and she started to shift her hips beneath him. He didn’t have to wait long.  Her mouth sought his and they both let go of everything they had been holding back from one another.  Haldir came into Celebrian again and again, gently at first and then, as her hands encouraged him, quicker and with more force.  Celebrian and Haldir both gasped as climax hit simultaneously. 

Later that night, with the weight of Haldir’s arm on her waist and his sleep-warmed breath stirring the hairs at the back of her head, Celebrian drifted, safe, warm and wonderfully in love.