Beyond Canon

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Reviewer: Lalaith Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 29 2009 12:36 am Title: Chapter 2

This story always makes me smile.  It's sexy, and it's cute, too.  And the personalities you use for this Fin and Ress are just awesome.  ... not that your bunniverse ones aren't. <3

But, as is my duty as a reader and reviewer, I must poke.  Even though I'm far too well aware you have way too many plot bunnies already breeding in your home.

Poke to know if Ress and Fin attend the much dirtier Rivendell version that Lindir hosts sometimes.  And what happens there.  No yadda-yadda-ing the naughty parts this time.  And... there was totally another poke I had that I forgot. ._.  I'll poke you on YIM if I remember it.

Reviewer: balrog Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 17 2008 05:22 am Title: Chapter 2

Loved the Valentine's story. I bet Erestor made a great Cupid for Glorfindel.

Reviewer: lileandra Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 13 2008 10:10 pm Title: Chapter 1 7/8

I enjoyed this story --very cute --glad for a happy ending--lileandra

Author's Response: and a happy ending you shall have; i'm almost done with the last part! ^_^

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