Beyond Canon

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“I think now the best course of action is to find a wife for you.”

Fingon stood at the window, arms folded over his chest, expression unreadable.

“I would rather we did not have to have such a conversation, but, you need an heir,” Maedhros said simply.

“Maitimo, I have no intention of taking a wife.”

The mood of the Feanorian darkened. “You know what will happen, then. You brother will be named king instead. The last thing we need is for that to happen.”

“You should be the one wearing this crown,” argued Fingon. “You should be the one searching for a wife.”

“I gave that power to your father – and freely,” stated Maedhros.

“Freely given, I give it freely back.”

“No!” Maedhros slammed his fist against the wall, the muscles of his right arm flexing, and had his right hand still remained, it was likely it would have been clenched in anger. “Even if I took a wife, I can no longer sire children, Findekano. It would pass to Maglor, who has no desire of it, and from him to Celegorm.” Maedhros narrowed his eyes. “Even Caranthir I would trust more with such power, and that is saying little as he is so blind to the council of others I could not know which way things might go. Celegorm, I cannot. Curufin would be nearly as bad. Maybe worse, for I cannot read him so well as I can Celegorm.” Maedhros ran his hand through his red hair. “No. It must be you. Who else do we have?” Maedhros stood, pausing when he reached the door. “You must find a wife, and soon. Marry her, and sire your heir. It is the only way to guarantee the success of our quest, and your acceptance by our people. The dark lord must not know there is chaos and distrust among us. You must unite our people against him, and though you have the wit and words for it, you must also have a wife.”

“Then find one for me, Maitimo, if this is your will. For although you do not call yourself king, to me, you are the true ruler of our people. If you command me, I shall obey.”

“If that is how it shall have to be...” Maedhros sighed. “Is this what it has come to?”

Fingon did not answer, and Maedhros took his leave.
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