Beyond Canon

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“So what we’ll need is a base of operations. A center of activity, somewhere that we can all live. One of these ‘apartment buildings’, as you’ve shown us. Of course, we’ll need someone to manage things, a head authority figure. Probably someone with experience.” Elrond’s eyes wandered briefly to where Gil-galad sat, and then back to the elves at the head of the table.

Erestor merely stared at Elrond until the Peredhel stopped talking, and then scratched his head as if he were giving it thought. “I think I’m gonna pass on the realm ruling, but thank you for the suggestion.”

“Well I...” Elrond paused as everyone turned to look at him. “I wasn’t really... I was going to suggest-“

“-the wisest and most experienced of all the Elven Kings, thank you, no, I’m done with that career path,” interjected Thranduil quickly before sitting back and winking, unseen by Elrond, at Erestor.

“That actually wasn’t what I was going to say,” Elrond began again, raising and deepening his voice. “I was going to say-“

“Elrond.” Erestor folded his hands and leaned across the table. “Elrond, I feel I have to say this, and I’m going to do it as nicely as I possibly can,” he said calmly, “but I really need you to shut the fuck up right now.”

Elrond’s jaw dropped as Erestor continued to speak of the planning for their first venture back into Middle-earth. Amazingly, noted Glorfindel, the half elf didn’t utter a word through the rest of the meeting.

“Did you have to put it that way to him?” asked Glorfindel later when he and Erestor were taking a stroll through the woods.

“I could have told him to shut his fucking hole.”

“He means well.”

“I know. But he still seems me as his advisor, not someone who might actually have more knowledge about something than he does.” Erestor paused and leaned against a tree trunk. “This is going to be a difficult transition, and I know he’s trying to help, but he can be such a pain in the ass. Just because of his heritage, he thinks he knows them better than I do.”

“He’ll settle down. It’s just the first day, you can’t expect them to jump aboard the next ship East right away,” Glorfindel told him. “Give him a little time. I gave you time to adjust to what I asked of you,” he reminded him, placing his hands on either side of Erestor on the bark.

Erestor lowered his gaze. “I’m sorry it took so long.”

“I’m not.” Glorfindel raised Erestor’s chin up with two fingers and brushed his lips against the other’s. “I don’t regret a day of it. I’d have stayed longer with you if you’d have wanted.”

“I know,” smiled Erestor, returning the kiss. “You know what it was, what you said to make up my mind, don’t you?”

Glorfindel shook his head. “If you had made the decision not to leave at all, I would have stayed with you. I love you much too much to let you go.”

“And that is just what made up my mind,” he whispered. “I love you, too, Glorfindel, but I didn’t think it was really returned until you told me your feelings. There is a little part of me that misses it,” he said wistfully, “But then, we wouldn’t have had such a lovely time last night in Orome’s Forest.”

“Shh!” Glorfindel leaned in and kissed him again. “I don’t think the Valar would take kindly if they found out about that!”

“Then we should retire to your house before we are found out,” suggested Erestor.

“Our house,” Glorfindel reminded him, placing an arm around Erestor’s waist and leading him down the path. Hugging him gently to his side, he placed a kiss on his lover’s cheek. “Welcome home.”

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