Beyond Canon

[Reviews - 0] Printer
Summary: (originally written as vignettes for the 2004 MPAs) The elves recall past Haunting Nights while in Valinor.
Rated: General Fiction
Categories: Stories of Arda > Bunniverse (PPB-AU) > Fourth Age Characters: Arwen, Asfaloth, Celebdreth, Celeborn, Celebrian, Cirdan, Ecthelion, Elladan, Elrohir, Elrond, Elros, Erestor, Galadriel, Glorfindel, Haldir, Legolas, Lindir, Melpomaen, Orophin, Rumil, Tallasinde, Thranduil, Vilya
Awards: None
Challenge: None
Genre: Comedic
Special Collection: Elfling Chronicles
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Completed: Yes
Word count: 4506 Read: 58761
Published: January 06 2008 Updated: January 06 2008

1. Prologue by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (418 words)

2. One by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (671 words)

3. Two by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (945 words)

4. Three by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (928 words)

5. Four by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (591 words)

6. Five by Zhie [Reviews - 0] (953 words)