Beyond Canon

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It was late afternoon, some number of days later – Haldir had lost count of the days now – that he awoke to find someone other than his usual companion in the garden. “You’re not Erestor,” he said sleepily.

The elf shook his head. “That I am not. I was informed by he who you named that you would benefit from a visitor.”

“Nnnmmhh.” Haldir rolled over so that his back faced the elf.

“That’s fine, we don’t have to talk,” said his visitor. A few moments later, he held out his arm, and a large falcon swooped down into the garden and perched gently onto the waiting gloved hand. “We can just sit and brood together.”

Sighing, Haldir turned back again. “Are you saying I should not be sad?”

Palentil shook his head as he took a treat from his pouch. “I miss him, too. You are not the only one who mourns for him, but I don’t think he would have liked to have seen you mope about because of his death.”

“You don’t look very sad,” accused Haldir.

“Well,” said Palentil, offering the falcon the bit of meat, “I have dealt with my anger and sorrow – not just for him, I knew many of those who went with you – in other ways. My early morning was spent having breakfast with the lovely Lady Nenniach, during which I told her of the numerous acts of valor so performed by Thandronen during his many long years. Do you recall those wonderful little flutes he could make using mallorn leaves and tree sap? How the elflings would flock ‘round him as the spring leaves came?”

Unable to stop himself, Haldir smiled and nodded. “I begged him for many myself when I was but a boy.”

“I can tell you stories of Thandronen’s days centuries before you came into these woods. He is not here to make his flutes and his kites, but those of us who knew him can still remember him." Palentil fed his feathered companion another treat. "Thandronen had a youthful spirit, I cannot say I am surprised that he has been given a chance to be reborn. The Commander, if I may be so bold as to say, did not have the happiest of childhoods."

"If I had known of that earlier..." Haldir trailed off, and he reached for one of the handkerchiefs Erestor had left for him.

“Wipe your tears, warden. Do not suffer, do not consider it a loss. I think you shall meet him again in Valinor, he was a kind and noble elf who deserves a second chance at life. You knew him well. Tell his stories.”

“He was like a son to me.”

“Please, Haldir,” said Palentil. “He was your son. With the way his own parents treated him, you should have been able to invoke some sort of rule or right to claim him, because it was clear to me that they did not care.”

Palentil’s bold talk surprised Haldir, for the falconer did not often express such strong views, nor was he known to speak in such a manner about anyone. “Erestor made inquiries as to why he was with the company and not his brother. I must admit, if I had been in his position, I would likely have done as he did.”

“That is because you raised him well,” Palentil said simply. He stroked the falcon’s breast, the bird looking very tired. “I’m not sure if I should really tell this to you, but I am leaving for the havens and soon after that to the West, so if I do not tell you now, it may be some time before I have another chance. Twice, the Lord wrote orders to have his parents and brother banished from Lothlorien, and twice, he went to them and pleaded his case for them to stay.”

“I did not know that ever happened,” said Haldir softly.

Nodding as he stood, Palentil said, “On the one hand, one could say he was the reason his fate was as it was. On the other hand, one might say he knew his fate and did not wish to run from it. No one can rightly say. Nor does it change the fact that he no longer has to worry about those three nasty elves that he thought were his family.”

“Why do you say that?” Haldir asked.

Palentil answered, “His family is staying here, or at least, staying in Middle Earth. If you think they speak ill of other Elves, ask them their views of the Valar sometime, you will get quite an earful. He would have hesitated leaving while they stayed, no matter how great his desire would have been to see the blessed realm." Palentil smiled at Haldir and said, "I must return, I took his duties in the city after we discovered he had left, but I enjoyed our talk.”

“I believe I may have enjoyed it more,” said Haldir. “Thank you, Palentil.”
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