Beyond Canon

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Glorfindel sneezed. Again. And again. He had woken up to a bloody horrible nightmare.

Someone had invaded his guest chambers. Indeed, not only had they done such a horrible, insensitive thing, but they had also strewn the one thing he was allergic to all over the room.

There were roses at the foot of his bed, each of them thornless, like the single golden-yellow rose someone had managed to place beside his head on his pillow. Rose petals of red and pink were scattered across the floor, in a path leading to the small washroom where a basket of perfect, snow-white petals had been left. There were roses on the table, in vases, and on any other flat, available surface in the talan. Every time he turned around, Glorfindel found another rose and another twitch in his nose.

Meanwhile, down below and very near to the trunk of Glorfindel's tree, Erestor was nervously walking back down the path. He had hoped that his stealth was enough to evade the golden warrior – being one of the famed `Lorien Brothers' meant Erestor could sneak with the best of them, even if he was a scribe and not a soldier. He was so wrapped up in thoughts about his surprise for his secret crush that he did not see one of his brothers in his path, and stumbled into him.

"Orophin! G-gah-ah-Good morning," stuttered Erestor.

"And what a good morning it is!" Orophin proudly held out a small bow that was painted red and not of much use for anything but a child's toy. "Know what this is? Do ya? Huh? Huh? Huh?"

"I, ah, I-"

"It's my cupid bow! And look! Tiny arrows!" Orophin was practically squealing like a maiden, and excitedly showed Erestor the small quiver that was decorated with tiny red hearts and swirling pink designs. "I was chosen first! First! Do you believe it!"

Erestor smiled, happy for his brother's odd joy. "Well, it seems you were likely talking to everyone about it. Someone must have eventually told Lord Celeborn."

"Ah, no. I've not told very many- but, yes, you are correct. Someone did tell Lord Celeborn. Lady Galadriel, to be exact, but it was dear Rumil whom I must thank, for he was the one to tell her." Orophin had loaded one of the little arrows into the bow and was haphazardly pointing it at things. "I get to choose who is next." He grinned, aiming the arrow at Erestor's heart.

"Me?" The question came out as a squeak, and he rapidly shook his head. "Oh, no, no, no, Orophin, no, I cannot."

"Oh, yes, yes, yes, you can- like I said last night, you are PERFECT. You would be absolutely stunning with wings, practically naked, with that dark hair of yours all curled up like you used to do back when we would play talan we would force you to play the nana because you were the littlest and otherwise we'd sit on you."

Erestor was blushing redder than the bow in Orophin's hands. "Please, Orophin, do not make me!"

"You do not have a choice if I insist," Orophin warned, but his expression told Erestor he was only teasing.

"Whad do'n dou wadda do?" Lord Glorfindel discretely sneezed and blew his nose as he approached. "Are dou dretenning by assistdent?"

"Good day to you, m'lord," greeted Orophin, bowing along with his brother. "Your assistant? Good heavens, no, I was not threatening him, merely jesting with him. He is my brother, you see."

Rubbing his nose and clearing his sinuses as he came to pause before them, Glorfindel nodded his head. "Id's nice to meed you," he said. "So dis is your brodder?"

"One of them, m'lord," answered Erestor. "I have two other brothers, but this is Orophin. Orophin, this is Lord Glorfindel, military counselor and master tactician to Lord Elrond."

"A pleasure to meet your, m'lord," Orophin said, bowing once again. "I was aware that my brother was assisting someone of high regard, but I had no idea it was one of such prestige."

Glorfindel simply smiled, and then took note of the items Orophin was holding. He sniffled one final time into his handkerchief and breathed in deeply in relief. "Ah, the choosing of the cupids must be upon us."

"Yes, `twas what was making my brother so anxious," remarked Orophin.

Glorfindel's brow rose slightly as a blush crept up Erestor's neck. "Really?"

Orophin smirked. "Do not worry yourself, Erestor. I will not force you to, but still I think you would make an excellent cupid."

"Indeed, your brother is right." Glorfindel continued despite Erestor's mouth being agape. "'Tis a true shame you have decided against your brother's suggestion. Inexperienced cupids are always a delight."

As the warmth traveled up into Erestor's face, turning him bright red, he responded by looking down to the ground. Orophin suppressed a snicker, unable to cover it, but gave Erestor a pat on the shoulder. "Next year, perhaps, brother. I must excuse myself," he apologized. "There is the next cupid to find, and then I shall have to loosen up a bit for the festivities."

"By all means," said Glorfindel, which was followed soon after by, "May I... assist you in that?"

Cheekily, Orophin cocked his head to the side. "Depends on what is on your mind, m'lord."

"Only this." Glorfindel stepped nearer to Orophin, threading one hand into the other's hair. Their groping was mutual, hands grasping in all the best and most pleasurable spots. Erestor's curiosity could not be helped, and up he looked, sucking in his breath as he saw that, instead of Orophin, Glorfindel was leering at him all the while as he kissed and fondled his brother. "And now," he said as they parted, "I must bid both of you good day." Glorfindel gave them another nod, and left in his wake two flushed Lorien brothers.

When Orophin finally caught his breath, he turned to Erestor and said, "The she from last night, she's not a she, is she?"

- - -

The rest of Erestor's morning had been spent attempting to stay away from both his brother Orophin, and also Lord Glorfindel, to whom he was assigned for the duration of his internship in Imladris. At least he would be leaving Lothlorien in a few weeks, and would be rid of Orophin's grins and snickers. Glorfindel... well, he did not want to be rid of Glorfindel, but neither did he want to be in his presence at the moment.

What he really wanted was to talk to Haldir, but that was impossible. His eldest brother was currently mingling with the elves from Mirkwood, hoping to discover who his secret lover was. Erestor sighed, secretly wishing for the cool confidence that his elder brothers possessed.

"Good afternoon."

The greeting startled Erestor into backing into a tree. Rumil flashed him a smile that said `I am sorry, and promise not to laugh though you look ridiculous'. "Good afternoon, Rumil." Erestor straightened out the robes he had changed into after the event of the early morning. He was now wearing long black robes that swept the ground with a high collar that covered his neck up to his chin. He wanted no one to get any idea in their head that he was any candidate at all for being one of the cupids.

"I heard that you have a crush on a certain elf-lord."

A sparkle twinkled in Rumil's eyes, and Erestor returned the look with one of his own. It was full of hurt and betrayal. "Who told you? Was it Orophin? Or was it Haldir?" Erestor looked nearly ready to either cry or hit Rumil or both, for tears were welled in his eyes and his fists were balled at either side.

Placing his hands on his younger brother's shoulders in an apologetic manner, Rumil shook his head. "Erestor, no. `Twas not either of them."

"Then, who?" asked Erestor in desperation.

"I was on guard duty this morning in the Great Mallorn, where Lord Celeborn held counsel with a number of other dignitaries. When everyone disbanded, he stayed behind to speak to Lord Celeborn, and-"

"Who? Who stayed behind?" demanded Erestor, his own hands gripping Rumil's elbows.

Rumil shook his head. "Sorry, Erestor, you have me at a disadvantage and I cannot clearly think. It was Lord Glorfindel who stayed; it was he who mentioned it to Lord Celeborn. He remarked that you seemed quite fond of him and he was asking what Lord Celeborn knew of you."

"Oh, no!" Erestor's hands rose up and he buried his face in them. "What am I to do?"

"I am sorry," Rumil said finally, not knowing what else to say. "Oh! Well, I know this is of little consequence considering your problems, but I discovered who wrote that note to Haldir!"

Erestor sighed. At least that was some good news. "Who is it, then?"

Rumil grinned. "It's..."
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