Beyond Canon

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Galion paced back and forth. Should he go, or was it a waste of his time? Damn him for writing the note – with his luck, it had not even been delivered. And if it had, it had probably been the highlight of the day, and laughed at that night. If he went, he would likely be ridiculed.

Fidgeting with the mask in his hands, Galion bit his lip and then tied it on over his face. Who would know, with everyone masked? He would go, and observe- there was no harm in that. And perhaps, if he was lucky, then Haldir would be there.

Haldir. Just the thought of the tall, lean warden caused Galion's pulse to race. Every time he accompanied his King or his King's sons to the Golden Woods, his one true joy was to get a glimpse of the proud, quiet guardian of the forest. There were some who said the reason the warrior was so silent was because he was unintelligent and knew not what else to say. Galion knew different from what few times he had conversed with the soldier. Haldir, like Galion, knew his duties, and accepted them wholeheartedly. Knowledge and wisdom do not come from speaking, but from listening.

"But when both of us are listening, and neither one is saying anything, it makes for a difficult courtship," mumbled Galion to himself wryly. Checking over his appearance one last time in the mirror, Galion left for the celebration.

- - -

With a sigh, Glorfindel said, "I lured you here under false pretenses. The twelve cupids were already chosen, and you were not among them. But your quarrel with your brother last week kept in my mind a rather interesting image that I could not seem to get exactly right. I thought, if I deceived you thusly, I might have a chance to see my vision in the flesh, as it were."

Erestor lounged on one of the benches, keeping a straight face so as not to smirk at the increasing amount of insecurity he could feel emanating from the Imladrin elf. "And, do you like what you see?" asked Erestor, idly preening the feathers of his wings.

"Aye, I will not deny that," answered Glorfindel, licking his lips.

Leaning further back, legs shifting slightly with wanton desire, Erestor cocked his head to the side. "Is it only the image which you wished for?"

Staring, mouth gone dry, Glorfindel shook his head and began to approach. Halfway to his destination, he paused. "You are past your majority, are you not?"

"By six years." Erestor sat forward, crossing his legs and placing his hands defensively on either side of him, palms upon the bench. "Why do you ask?" he questioned, eyes narrowed.

"A... terribly uncomfortable incident from some years past," admitted Glorfindel, a blush creeping up to color his cheeks. "I had an apprentice once who... was not as old as he led me to believe, and it all went rather badly."

"Oh?" Erestor studied his mentor with curiosity. "Do you make it a habit to seduce your interns?"

"No," snorted Glorfindel, rolling his eyes. "Normally, they attempt to seduce me, I ignore them, and they fail miserably in their venture. I have, in the past, made it a point not to be romantically involved with my apprentices."

Now, Erestor did smile. "What caused a change in your policy?"

"You're the... first one who didn't try," replied Glorfindel.

- - -

"Looking for someone?" questioned Legolas, who had long since wandered away from the party he had been part of, on account of the fact none of them could stop laughing after hearing his password. A moment later, he shook his head upon remembering protocol and said, "Dilly dilly."

Galion pursed his lips, having not needed the password to know who this was. All the same, he gave his reply. "Chocolate."

"Wait just a minute." Legolas tugged Galion's sleeve, pulling him aside, and then slipped his own mask from his eyes. "Alright, why do I have such a terrible password and you have such a... dare I say, normal one."

Although it was King Thranduil that Galion served directly, he knew never to question when asked a question, and as the King had not specifically forbade his telling the reason, Galion said, "Your father, long live the King, is hoping that you and your brothers will not frolic too muchly, and by giving you such an odd password, hopes that perhaps not as many illegitimate future heirs will be produced as last time."

"Well, it isn't my fault my brothers are so bloody virile – do you know how difficult it is to get laid when your first phrase to all prospective bed partners is `Dilly dilly'?" Legolas sighed. "And by the way, I'm not sleeping with you."

"Likewise," Galion said swiftly, taking a goodly step away from the young prince. "Why not visit with the cupids for a time?"

Taking a look around and finding that most of the couples and groups looked extremely engaged with one another, Legolas nodded. "Shall we walk there together?"

"I... ah, I had other plans..." began Galion, but Legolas frowned. "What?"

"He left. He went running off in the direction of the river; I've not seen him since." Neglecting to add that he had also kissed the warden, and teased him a bit, Legolas shrugged. The truth was, the prince was a little jealous of the fact that, despite all those who swooned in his presence, he had never been given so much as a second look from Haldir. "I suppose he is just not as brave as one might have thought."

Slumping his shoulders in defeat, and in self-loathing for having waited so long to join the festivities, Galion nodded in the direction of the Great Mallorn. He and Legolas set off for the tree.

- - -

"So I am a prize to be won?" Erestor's expression was cool and nonchalant, but within, he was shaking. Here was what he desired for so long, and yet, he hesitated – risked it, even. But he was prideful, and would not be content as a trophy for a spoiled elf lord.

"No, not at all." Glorfindel was looking a bit panicked now, especially as voices could be heard coming closer to them. "Erestor, I... truly, I desire you. I just... I did not wish for this to be simply a one night encounter, but I think I have gone about things rather badly tonight, and-" In a rush, Glorfindel grabbed a cloak and handed it to Erestor. "Put this on; someone approaches!"

Erestor stood up. "Are you ashamed they will see me like this? Embarrassed you will be caught with me?"

Adamantly, Glorfindel shook his head. "I- I am a greedy sort." Lowering his voice, he added, "I want no one else to see you like this, no one but me."

This made Erestor smirk in a victorious manner as he wrapped the cloak hastily around himself. The wings made it not quite close in the front, and as the volume of the voices increased, Glorfindel looked around desperately for a larger cloak.

Realizing the plan would not work, but not about to be seen in this manner by anyone else, Erestor dropped the cloak and tugged on Glorfindel's shirt. "Take this off," he hissed, trying to pull it over Glorfindel's head. Glorfindel did as instructed, then found himself dragged into one of the pools.

- - -

"I think we might have taken a wrong turn." Legolas looked at one tree, then another. "Why did they feel the need to plant all the same tree here? It would be easier to find the one we're looking for if they weren't ALL mellyrn!" Walking around a stone wall, he leaned against it, defeated. "Great. This is also, NOT the Great Mallorn. I think they moved it on us."

Galion looked about at the strewn clothing and general disarray of the area. Spying a couple in one of the bathing pools, locked in a passionate embrace, he cleared his throat and looked away the moment the pair disengaged and looked over to them. "We're looking for the Great Mallorn. Any idea where it has been moved to?"

Legolas snorted as one of the lovers answered, "Directly north. Look for the one with the empty barrels of ale at the base."

"Thank you kindly. Sorry to interrupt. Ahm, carry on," Galion added, pulling the curious Legolas away from watching. "Your highness, I must remind you, `tis improper to stare."

"'Tis improper to be fornicating in a public bath as well, but you did not hear me reprimand them," grinned the prince.

- - -

"Haldir! My lap is free! Come, sit upon it!"

"Nay, I shall not." The warrior filled his glass again, unable to count the number of times he had previously.

The wanton cupid sauntered over to the soldier, taking his drink from his hands and sipping from it. Batting his eyes prettily, he said, "Why is it you sit upon my lap any other night, but not tonight?"

"Because... well, just because, Orophin, do you really need another answer?" Haldir snatched his glass back and drank deeply. "Orophin, I think I heard the lord and lady call, perhaps they seek your entertainment."

"Nay, I was with them already this night." Orophin grinned cheekily. "Twice," he drawled.

"Nana and Ada will be ever so proud," muttered Haldir under his breath as the fabric curtain was pushed away at the entrance, and two more ellin entered. "There you are, newcomers to delight," said Haldir, motioning toward the doorway.

Orophin turned and narrowed his eyes, looking at the pair suggestively. "Are the two of you worn out already from your excursions, or might the three of us continue to get acquainted?" he asked coyly.

"What? Us? Uch, no!" Legolas placed as much distance between himself and Galion, who was working on removing his mask.

"Thank you, your highness, your sentiment is too kind, really," replied Galion rather dryly, tossing his mask aside. It was then that he noticed the fourth elf in the room.

- - -

"We can stop kissing now," panted Erestor as he and Glorfindel paused to breathe. Initially, the guise had been to deceive whoever had stumbled upon them, to make them leave quickly. It had worked, but after the lost pair had left, Glorfindel renewed their kissing, with Erestor trapped against the side of the pool.

Glorfindel pulled back slightly, but did not let go of his hold on Erestor. "Do you wish for me to stop?"

"Yes... well, no, but, not here." Erestor struggled out of the drenched wings as soon as Glorfindel let go of him. "I know where this will lead us, and I would hate for that memory to be... here." Erestor looked around, noticing for the first time that someone's socks had ended up in one of the trees.

"Good point." Glorfindel climbed out of the warm water, offering his hand to Erestor. After splashing his face to remove the smeared makeup, Erestor took the offered hand and was pulled out of the bath. "Now what?"

Erestor gathered his clothing and toweled off with one of the discarded cloaks. As he dressed, he thought on Glorfindel's question. "What about your guest rooms?"

"Wonderful idea." Glorfindel pulled his shirt back on, then led Erestor to their destination.

- - -

Noticing the look Galion gave Haldir, Orophin waved his hand in the direction of the Lorien elf. "Really, we are having a fabulous time here. Please ignore my brother; he is simply unable to let go of a fantasy of his."

"Orophin," Haldir said in warning, setting down his drink on the counter.

"You see, he was to meet someone today, someone who was a mystery, and it seems they did not show up. Personally, I think he just did not look hard enough," continued Orophin.

"Orophin, that is enough." Haldir stepped forward to silence his brother, but Orophin dodged out of the way.

Picking up the glass Haldir had discarded, Orophin added, "It seems his romantic side was really hoping that he might finally find someone. `Tis difficult for him, being so old and having never been with anyone intimately before, but he's a hard worker and very dedicated to his profession, so you can see why it is that- oh, Haldir, do not gawk like that, anyone who is anyone can tell you have never so much as been kissed before."

"Actually, he has been kissed before, but I am happy to know my other assumptions were correct." Legolas placed his hand on Galion's back and pushed the older elf forward. "He's the one. He wrote the note. Now, go find a room and do whatever it is that stoic old elves do with one another. Just... don't break a hip," he offered as advice to Galion before linking his arm through Orophin's and tugging the mischievous cupid into the nearest corner.
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