Beyond Canon

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Author's Chapter Notes:
Elrond, Gil-Galad --- based off the idea of Elrond's foresight into things
“There are days such as this one when I think of how nice it would be to climb into a boat and set sail on the sea.”

Elrond turned in his chair and gave his mentor a sad smile. “We could go fishing this afternoon.”

“No, it would only depress me more.” Gil-Galad sighed. “If only I were not me, I would just find a canoe and paddle it to Valinor.”

“If it is your wish to sail, perhaps you should.”

“You are supposed to counsel me not to think such things.”

“I learned long ago that it is wiser to encourage decisions like this.”

For a minute, Gil-Galad stared out the window. “I will never sail, will I, Elrond?”

Elrond shook his head. “No.”
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