Beyond Canon

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Author's Chapter Notes:
Sons of Feanor -1
“I must be crazy,” muttered Caranthir.

“Why is that?” For the first time in a very long time, the remaining brothers were together, sharing a campfire. Curufin waited patiently for his older brother’s answer.

“After all this time, and how far we have come, my focus should be clear.”

“But?” prodded Celegorm.

Caranthir shook his head, staring at the fire. “I just keep thinking of her.”


“That woman,” clarified Celegorm for Curufin.

“She has a name,” growled Caranthir.

Curufin nodded, but Celegorm had to push things.

“Had a name. How long has she been dead now? A century?”

“Leave him alone.” Maedhros motioned for Caranthir to come around by him, and the dark haired brother did so. “You miss her?”

“Constantly,” Caranthir quietly admitted.
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