Beyond Canon

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Author's Chapter Notes:
Sons of Feanor; Huan; Nerdanel
“Where did you get that?”

“I want one!”

“Can I ride on him?”

Curufin shoved the twins aside he once again demanded an answer. “Where did you get him from?”

“What?” Celegorm idly petted Huan’s large head, which was shoulder height. “Huan? He was a gift.”

“Stop lying – you cannot steal Orome’s hunting dog!”

“I did not,” shouted Celegorm, one arm now protectively placed on the dog’s back. “Orome gave him to me!”

“What is going on in here?” demanded Nerdanel, turning the corner as Maedhros and Caranthir entered the way that Celegorm had. “What is this?” she questioned, pointing at the oversized dog.

“A present,” answered Maedhros.

“Orome gave him to Celegorm,” chimed in Caranthir.

Celegorm smirked at a baffled Curufin. “Told you so.”
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