Beyond Canon

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Story Notes:
Feanatics: Family Guy
Art Supplies: Beads
Feanatics: Feanor hugged his kids
Colors: Sea Green
Textures: Painted
Maedhros held up the polished garnet. It sparkled a brilliant green, the many facets catching the sunlight. “Very nice,” commended Feanor as he passed by to the next table, where Caranthir was smoothing a ruby. He, too, displayed the gem for his father’s approval. “Excellent,” said the master jeweler as he held up the sleeked stone.

“Ada! Ada! Ada!”

Feanor looked down at his currently youngest son, Curufin. The youngster held up a string of beads, mistmatched from a bin, rejected by his pupils. Some of them had been painted over, rougher now and oddly colored compared to how they had been. There was a sea green rock hanging at the center, a hole drilled for him by one of his older brothers so that he was able to string it as well. “For you,” declared his son.

Feanor draped the necklace over his head, the broken and discolored beads resting proudly upon his breast. “This deserves a big hug,” he declared as he lifted Curufin up in his arms. “Shall we go show your mother?”

“Uh, Ada, you have a client who just arrived,” whispered Maedhros as Feanor put Curufin upon his shoulder.

“Let them wait,” Feanor coolly replied.
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