Beyond Canon

Genre: Action or Adventure
Unforgettable by Zhie Rated: Adult Fiction starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 5]
Summary: A young warrior and an old scholar learn more from one another than they expected to. *Book Four Now Being Added*
Categories: Stories of Arda > Bunniverse (PPB-AU) > First Age
Characters: Erestor, Glorfindel
Awards: None
Challenge: None
Genre: Action or Adventure, Comedic, Dramatic
Special Collection: Illustrated
Series: None
Chapters: 116 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 282712 Read Count: 2466646
[Report This] Published: July 25 2007 Updated: November 10 2014
Citius, Altius, Fortius by Zhie Rated: Adult Fiction [Reviews - 0]
Summary: An autumn tale that follows Fingolfin’s children through small adventures and first loves. Gen, het, and slash all rolled into one.
Categories: Stories of Arda > Bunniverse (PPB-AU) > Pre-First Age
Characters: Aegnor, Anaire, Angrod, Aredhel, Argon, Caranthir, Celegorm, Curufin, Ecthelion, Elenwe, Feanor, Finarfin, Fingolfin, Fingon, Finrod Felagund, Galadriel, Maedhros, Maglor, Melkor, Nessa, Orome, Turgon
Awards: None
Challenge: None
Genre: Action or Adventure, Dramatic, Lyrical or Songfic, Romantic, Spiritual
Special Collection: None
Series: None
Chapters: 26 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 51963 Read Count: 280108
[Report This] Published: January 04 2010 Updated: July 10 2014
Tusk by Zhie Rated: Adult Fiction [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Don't say that you love me. Just tell me that you want me. // Gilraen arrives in Rivendell with something of great importance.
Categories: Stories of Arda > Bunniverse (PPB-AU) > Third Age
Characters: Asfaloth, Earendil, Elladan, Elrohir, Elrond, Erestor, Estel, Galion, Gildor, Gilraen, Glorfindel, Ilmendin, Legolas, Lindir, Melpomaen, Thaladir, Thranduil
Awards: None
Challenge: None
Genre: Action or Adventure, Comedic, Dramatic, Historical, Romantic
Special Collection: None
Series: None
Chapters: 26 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 66699 Read Count: 265163
[Report This] Published: December 01 2010 Updated: March 05 2014
It Comes in Pints! by Zhie Rated: General Fiction [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Yucca and Bainith go adventuring at the Prancing Pony. Lotro-verse.
Categories: Stories of Arda > Bunniverse (PPB-AU) > Third Age
Characters: Bainith, Yucca
Awards: None
Challenge: B2MEM 2012
Genre: Action or Adventure, Comedic
Special Collection: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1705 Read Count: 1990
[Report This] Published: March 02 2014 Updated: March 02 2014
Now Back to the Good Part by Zhie Rated: General Fiction [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Instead of embarking upon a quest, Bainith decides to get some rest (and, cuddles). LOTRO-verse
Categories: Stories of Arda > Haven - The LOTRO Files
Characters: Bainith, Valanyonnen, Yucca
Awards: None
Challenge: None
Genre: Action or Adventure, Romantic
Special Collection: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 2396 Read Count: 12158
[Report This] Published: June 03 2011 Updated: June 03 2011
Unforgivable by Zhie Rated: Adult Fiction [Reviews - 0]
Summary: The beginning of the end (of the First Age)
Categories: Stories of Arda > Bunniverse (PPB-AU) > First Age
Characters: Erestor, Gildor
Awards: None
Challenge: None
Genre: Action or Adventure, Dramatic
Special Collection: None
Series: None
Chapters: 11 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 29265 Read Count: 340481
[Report This] Published: March 01 2010 Updated: May 18 2010
Summary: Maglor’s wanderings bring him to the Cape of Forochel to act as negotiator.
Categories: Stories of Arda > Bunniverse (PPB-AU) > Third Age
Characters: Maglor
Awards: None
Challenge: None
Genre: Action or Adventure, Dramatic
Special Collection: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 3623 Read Count: 2336
[Report This] Published: February 04 2010 Updated: February 04 2010
Morgoth's Match by Zhie Rated: General Fiction [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Based upon events as put forth in the Silmarillion regarding Gwindor, Prince of Nargothrond.
Categories: Songs and Poems
Characters: Gwindor, Melkor
Awards: None
Challenge: Haldir Lovers Challenge
Genre: Action or Adventure, Historical, Poetic
Special Collection: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 348 Read Count: 2642
[Report This] Published: October 04 2008 Updated: October 04 2008
Awaiting by Zhie Rated: General Fiction [Reviews - 0]
Summary: The host of the Noldor awaits the return of the ships to Alqualonde.
Categories: Stories of Arda > Bunniverse (PPB-AU) > Pre-First Age
Characters: Aegnor, Ambarto, Angrod, Aredhel, Argon, Curufin, Ecthelion, Elenwe, Feanor, Fingolfin, Fingon, Finrod Felagund, Galadriel, Idril, Turgon
Awards: None
Challenge: None
Genre: Action or Adventure, Dramatic, Historical
Special Collection: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1432 Read Count: 3158
[Report This] Published: August 23 2008 Updated: August 23 2008
Thrill of the Chase by Zhie Rated: General Fiction [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Celegorm hunts.
Categories: Stories of Arda > Bunniverse (PPB-AU) > Pre-First Age
Characters: Aredhel, Caranthir, Celegorm, Fingon, Finrod Felagund, Maedhros, Maglor, Orome
Awards: None
Challenge: JFA Challenge
Genre: Action or Adventure, Dramatic
Special Collection: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1902 Read Count: 2817
[Report This] Published: August 15 2008 Updated: August 15 2008
Thrice Cursed by Zhie Rated: General Fiction [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Author's Notes: Stand alone; Bunniverse compatible
Summary: Fëanor’s sons decide what to do following his death.
Word Count: 1401
Categories: Stories of Arda > Bunniverse (PPB-AU) > First Age
Characters: Caranthir, Celegorm, Maedhros, Maglor
Awards: None
Challenge: None
Genre: Action or Adventure, Dramatic, Historical
Special Collection: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1409 Read Count: 2942
[Report This] Published: June 16 2008 Updated: June 16 2008
Whispers by Zhie Rated: Adult Fiction [Reviews - 0]
Summary: (76/500) A collection of drabbles or near-drabbles written about the Elves of the House of Finwe. If you see ** it means the chapter is done. I am adding all of the chapters to it, but they will be filled in as I write them, so don't be alarmed by seeing a lot of chapters with zeros for word counts to start off. I'm writing out of order, and this is the easiest way to keep track of what I have and haven't done.
Categories: Stories of Arda > Bunniverse (PPB-AU) > Pre-First Age, Stories of Arda > Bunniverse (PPB-AU) > First Age, Stories of Arda > Bunniverse (PPB-AU) > Second Age, Stories of Arda > Bunniverse (PPB-AU) > Third Age, Stories of Arda > Bunniverse (PPB-AU) > Fourth Age, Stories of Arda > Bunniverse (PPB-AU) > Fifth Age
Characters: None
Awards: None
Challenge: None
Genre: Action or Adventure, Comedic, Dramatic, Romantic
Special Collection: None
Series: None
Chapters: 500 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 11133 Read Count: 5026197
[Report This] Published: April 06 2008 Updated: April 22 2008
Blood Sport of a Sort by Zhie Rated: General Fiction starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 0]
Summary: To put it bluntly: Haldir gets the shaft.
Categories: Stories of Arda > Bunniverse (PPB-AU) > Third Age
Characters: Celebdreth, Dinendal (Gimlin), Haldir, Palentil, Rumil, Vorino
Awards: None
Challenge: None
Genre: Action or Adventure, Comedic
Special Collection: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 2247 Read Count: 4057
[Report This] Published: December 26 2007 Updated: December 26 2007
Summary: Haldir deals with his past and his future with the help of his family and a plush purple rabbit.
Categories: Stories of Arda > Bunniverse (PPB-AU) > Fourth Age
Characters: Asfaloth, Beineilien, Celebdreth, Celeborn, Celebrian, Cirdan, Elladan, Elodien, Elrohir, Elrond, Erestor, Fool of a Took, Frodo Baggins, Galadriel, Gamling, Gandalf, Gil-Galad, Gimli, Glorcheniel, Glorfindel, Haldir, Ilmendin, Legolas, Lindir, Melpomaen, Mitzi, Namo, Nenniach, Nibbles, Orophin, Rumil, Samwise Gamgee, Squysh, Tallasinde, Thranduil, Valarda, Vilya
Awards: 2004 MPA Nomination
Challenge: None
Genre: Action or Adventure, Comedic, Dramatic, Historical, Lyrical or Songfic, Romantic
Special Collection: None
Series: None
Chapters: 50 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 163864 Read Count: 926333
[Report This] Published: October 07 2007 Updated: October 07 2007
Of Him the Harpers Sadly Sing by Zhie Rated: General Fiction starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 1]
Summary: Elrond recalls the days of old to a young Haldir in Lothlorien.
Categories: Stories of Arda > Bunniverse (PPB-AU) > Second Age, Stories of Arda > Bunniverse (PPB-AU) > Third Age
Characters: Celeborn, Celebrian, Elrond, Erestor, Galadriel, Gamling, Gil-Galad, Glorfindel, Haldir, Legolas, Valarda
Awards: 2005 MPA Nomination, Third Place MPA
Challenge: None
Genre: Action or Adventure, Historical
Special Collection: None
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 6306 Read Count: 45278
[Report This] Published: September 08 2007 Updated: September 08 2007
For You, I'll Cross the Sea by Zhie Rated: General Fiction [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Beginning of the First Age; Doriath. Thranduil, after having crossed the sea from Valinor, finds himself bored with Middle-earth.
Categories: Stories of Arda > Bunniverse (PPB-AU) > First Age
Characters: Avisiel, Celeborn, Elu Thingol, Erestor, Finduilas, Galadriel, Galion, Gelmir, Gildor, Gwindor, Halmir, Hisre, Ilmendin, Legolas, Luthien, Melian, Oropher, Thaladir, Thranduil
Awards: None
Challenge: None
Genre: Action or Adventure, Mystery, Romantic
Special Collection: None
Series: None
Chapters: 16 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 30407 Read Count: 189262
[Report This] Published: September 07 2007 Updated: September 07 2007
Terrible Tower, The by Zhie Rated: General Fiction [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Three captured elves fight their way out of a dire situation.
Categories: Stories of Arda > Extras
Characters: Elrond, Erestor, Glorfindel, Haldir
Awards: None
Challenge: None
Genre: Action or Adventure
Special Collection: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 2160 Read Count: 2314
[Report This] Published: August 01 2007 Updated: August 01 2007
Peredhel by Zhie Rated: General Fiction [Reviews - 0]
Summary: The time comes for Rumil to return home to Lothlorien, but can he continue his secret hobby? And how secret is it?
Categories: Stories of Arda > Bunniverse (PPB-AU) > Third Age
Characters: Celebrian, Elladan, Elrohir, Elrond, Erestor, Glorfindel, Haldir, Legolas, Orophin, Rumil
Awards: None
Challenge: None
Genre: Action or Adventure, Comedic, Dramatic
Special Collection: None
Series: None
Chapters: 7 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 9099 Read Count: 57829
[Report This] Published: July 26 2007 Updated: July 26 2007
Little Balrog by Zhie Rated: General Fiction starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Glorfindel isn't the only balrog slayer.
Categories: Stories of Arda > Bunniverse (PPB-AU) > Third Age
Characters: Celeborn, Elrond, Erestor, Gimli, Glorfindel, Haldir, Legolas, Orophin, Rumil, Thranduil
Awards: None
Challenge: None
Genre: Action or Adventure
Special Collection: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 5390 Read Count: 2195
[Report This] Published: July 26 2007 Updated: July 26 2007
Reverie by Zhie Rated: General Fiction starstarstarstar [Reviews - 3]
Summary: Haldir is injured at the battle of Helm's Deep, and while unconscious thinks back to past memories while his brothers in Lothlorien realize the trick he has played on them.
Categories: Stories of Arda > Bunniverse (PPB-AU) > Third Age
Characters: Arwen, Celebdreth, Celeborn, Celebrian, Elladan, Elrohir, Elrond, Erestor, Galadriel, Glorfindel, Haldir, Legolas, Orophin, Rumil, Valarda
Awards: None
Challenge: None
Genre: Action or Adventure, Comedic, Dramatic
Special Collection: None
Series: None
Chapters: 11 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 18560 Read Count: 116292
[Report This] Published: July 26 2007 Updated: July 26 2007